And the first film review of 2011 finds our poor eyes staring at another remake, Hollywood having ran out of ideas some many years ago, have been raping and pillaging like good little Vikings anything that may make some quick cash.
It’s easy to just assume the position of a cynical snot about the rate we see pointless remakes and crappy sequels appearing on the big screen such as the almost endless Hairy Potter series, XXX-Men: Wolverhampton (of which we are getting another one, I can see peace in the middle east right now), Batman: The African-Amercian knight and Get Smart (by falling asleep).
But not all remakes have been bad, Star Wrecked for example, while a wee bit light on a few areas, was in fact one of the best examples of bringing new life into a once-thought dead franchise.
And although some may disagree somehow, the A-Hole, sorry Team, also managed to gain some creditability as being something enjoyable to watch, though for the record, having Jessica Biel in there did help a lot. Ultimately what is good and bad will remain in the eye of the beholder.
So, what can Disney do for a sequel to the almost 29 year old Tron film?
Well first of all, what the hell was TRON really about? Aside from a big cycle battle thing, and everyone looking like they were under neon lights at the world’s worst gay disco, it was hard to ascertain what was going on and why for the most part. Even now it’s hard to provide a summary;
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