DISCLAIMER: We drink during this a lot. And also we nicked a video from ITV’s past….Please bring back Knightmare….
With the spirit destroyed after loosing far too many games at Hearthstone, and well seeing as time after time, the recording software also goes wrong over and over again, this time we go back to doing what we do best. Shoot things while drinking vodka when we see the money shot.
Though this time, we will not be using Sniper Elite 3 but instead Zombie Army Trilogy, in which Hitler basically decides to try one last naughty trick against the world and unleashes zombies for the allies to kill. What better way of showing our sniping skills against humans, than showing our sniping skills against zombies….while drinking too! Then possibly dirty fun sexy time…no…wait…getting ahead of myself…
So as we did before with Sniper Elite 3, I once again invite you dear campers to gather your shot glasses and drinks of choice, with perhaps some of those weird flavoured crisps from the ye poshe pub and possibly have a good old time* where we will be featuring the lack of skills that only can come from playing while drunk!
Will I spill a drink all over the keyboard? Will the video go up the wall halfway through again thus requiring a hastily put together explanation which leaves you just bloody annoyed?
Who honestly knows other than to watch the YouTube video placed below for your drinking and dancing pleasure;