A very slight update in 2024:
Given how things have been and all the other meh ongoing, it’s been rare / non existent that I’ve been doing any livestreaming at all. Truth be told the heart hasn’t been back in it for quite some time, and there’s some very big stuff to sort out into 2025 before I consider coming back to doing this at all on the various platforms. Once that is on the Horizon, rest assured once again campers, you will see a big song and dance about it all here and most likely the various social media contraptions too (including the new shiny Bluesky!).
So back in the days of yore, when life appeared to be slightly more sane and not as chaotic as it is now, it had behoved me not to show how leisurely I am, which as it stands, I’m not showing anything so you will just have to take my word for it for now! But as and when I do broadcast here you can behold the video portals of which you can view my lazy-ass glory!
Over on Twitch, you can join me for the occasional car crash of a gaming stream via the link above or the video window below…..
The next scheduled livestreams, we tend to announce as and when we feel like it (or in the real world, actually around to be able to livestream) on the twitter page, and of course when we can update this page too.
Check on Twitter (@lordofleisure) when I start broadcasting etc or indeed hang around this page as the livestreams are visible here too via the embedded players.
You can even join the discussion of various things of import via Discord; https://discord.gg/WRhVevK
But Paul, I hear you cry with tears of joy and anger, what if I can’t be arsed to turn up when you livestream?
Well fear not, if you miss out on the livestreams and Twitch has got rid of them on the channel, then more than likely you will be able to see for yourself with the uploads onto the YouTube Channel;
The YouTube channel has seldom had updates of late. In fact the last set of anything uploaded at the time of writing was a couple of video of things which happened during the trip to Japan back in 2023. Aside from other waffle, the channel hosts offline recorded content for the Gaming Car Crash at full 1080p resolution running at 60 frames per second (where possible) of games which deserve to be seen in full quality while also allowing you to cringe over terrible commentary coming at you in full stereo too. There’s been “Not My Front Room” where I talk at you from somewhere which is not my front room. I also used to stand around in cinemas giving a little first impressions of what happened after watching a film or 7. Not entirely original I grant you on the Internet these days, but what is?
While not ever likely to win an Oscar, you have to admit, it’s still more entertaining than picking out your nose hairs with a pair of spoons.
Here are some of the playlists we have on the channel at the moment;
First of all, the “Not My Front Room” video log series where I occasionally wander out from my front room into the world
Then there are the videos which make up the gaming series I sometimes create; The Gaming Car Crash.
Here’s where my “Aftermath” series can be found where I give my initial impressions about films, just after leaving a cinema….
And finally, it’s a playlist called “And Finally….” which I chuck in various things which don’t really fit anywhere……