Well given how many times it’s been mentioned on this epic digital tome of guff, you wouldn’t expect us to pass this one by, did you? Despite the fact that awards season for now is over for another year of course … Continue reading →
Well given how many times it’s been mentioned on this epic digital tome of guff, you wouldn’t expect us to pass this one by, did you? Despite the fact that awards season for now is over for another year of course … Continue reading →
There are two worse words in the English language more harmful than “Good Job” according to this film, and to be honest after watching it, there are two more words which spring to mind – “F**k off.” In the latest … Continue reading →
In what is again a welcome shift away from the films which have filled the cinemas in recent weeks, it seems the schedules and screenings are returning to what we, the general public who consume far too much KFC, laugh … Continue reading →
Given the recent remarks on Ooh Sometimes, about the sheer volume of award grabbing films which have been released this time of year, the fact that the Lego Movie was pretty much snubbed for anything beyond a BAFTA nomination for … Continue reading →
Welcome back friends, countrymen and various people of sizes, as we continue our look into the various films coming out at this time of year, which are on the face of it, merely designed to both earn off your hard … Continue reading →
When it comes to the films which get released this time of year, there are a good number which shall we say smell not like Teen Spirit but more like something left in the bin a bit too long in the … Continue reading →
With the change of pace towards Christmas this year, it was clear that the normal constant stream of going out and getting drink exercises was never going to be repeated, and frankly sometimes you just want to do something a little … Continue reading →
Have a good long look at the below image and I mean, not just a matter of seconds look, I mean look at it like Brian Sewell, the world’s poshest art critic would and come up with some elegant witty … Continue reading →
Friends, countrymen, Romans, lend me 10p for a cup of tea. For with that tea, let me tell you of a world which over the next year, we will actually be experiencing a great deal of deja vu. Across the … Continue reading →
It’s been a huge amount of time since we last had a review of anything on here, except for the last review-ish of the year of course. With a picture of a giant chocolate poo, you can be rest assured … Continue reading →