Category Archives: And Finally…
24: Sunday 19th November
Well more work has been done. Aside from last weekend and Tuesday, Wednesday where i pissed away the time by playing games and enjoying some time with Natalie, All I have been bloody doing is work it seems during my … Continue reading →
24: Friday: Wow I actually did something!
Well an update is very brief here, I got some college work done today, started the second assignment on Systems Analysis, along with sorting out the admin part of the website. Still have the mountain of the store catalog and … Continue reading →
24: Update on Thursday
The headlines Have discovered that I have set items to be not null in MYSQL the bloody form start working (the code was bang on the money!!) Have also discovered how to display things from a table in the database. … Continue reading →
24: Monday begins with a struggle
Good Afternoon people, as I am off this week, i thought a ever so brief update was in order. First off, cheers for the comments from the weekend, yes I am busy but as you can see it was worth … Continue reading →
24: Tis too long since you last fought at my side
Yes regretfully, I have been very much awol again since the last update, which was about 2 weeks ago again! Dear me, It’s almost like other things are going on!! There won’t be much here at the moment, but rest … Continue reading →
24: To Be Continued
Hello campers, there will be an update later on with all the gubbons that has occured since the last time we all met! Tis too much captain, I cannae take any more!!
Continue reading →24: Through The Looking Glass Part 1
Bonjour, saultations and Ho di doodly doo! The Space adventurer is here very briefly at the moment at work, just thought I would pop on a message to say I will return with a full update. It’s just well things … Continue reading →
24: Day 5 of Red Bull Guzzling
Well it is now Saturday and day 5 of the expereiment to see what happens when you drink Red Bull, or it’s far cheaper cousins as I prefer!! Last night, discovered while on an imprompto night out in shrewsbury, that … Continue reading →
24: End of Day 2 on Cheap Asda Red Bull
So far I have stayed awake better but how it lasts is another thing. Also not sure if it still placebo effect, that I think i am more awake becuase of the drink or it is because it is filled … Continue reading →