Umm….Ok then.
Hello Campers, just a note to say that Aunty Bett is proceeding along still, though she is a bit downhearted at the moment. Hospital can be a boring place and she is the type of person who likes to be … Continue reading →
Hello Campers, just a note to say that Aunty Bett is proceeding along still, though she is a bit downhearted at the moment. Hospital can be a boring place and she is the type of person who likes to be … Continue reading →
The exams are done. I’m free from nastyness in theory till september which means party!!! Today was the multimedia exam, and the Strategic Management Exam, one i think I did enough on, the other, god knows!! But none of that … Continue reading →
Just had the news that I have write everything out for the car accident including a sketch of what happened, what the dad said to me, everything. It appears that the whole business is far from over, when i thought … Continue reading →
Hello Campers, I am writing this from work to give me something to do. Tis been a bit lax atm so just been dealing with issues such as switching a server on. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? Anyway Just a quick … Continue reading →
A pretty big project will be in the works soon, for this whole blog, the podcast everything. When Uni is over it will be taking a lot of time setting up getting right but in the end, you may or … Continue reading →
Things are afoot my dear campers, hopefully all will be well and after next thursday it will be even better as both uni assignments will be in, and I won;t care about them again. Just the exams left (all bloody … Continue reading →
I know since the barrage of updates over the past couple of weeks, i have been quiet, however this is due to work more than anything. Will update later on tonight with bits and bobs. A fair amount has happened, … Continue reading → Add the above URL to a feed program of your choice, such as iTunes or Juice, and you will never miss out on an exciting episode!! Isn’t that great?!?! Other Podcast related news, is that currently just obtaining services … Continue reading →
Long Weekend. Lots of goings on in Personal Life. Failed to do any work on Uni, falling way behind on that, beginning to worry me greatly. Saw Natalie, had alright time and found out i had offended rather badly. Not … Continue reading →
well got home just now in no short order, watched the last ever episode of Stargate SG1 was wasn’t as good as I was hoping but then again, the DVD Films will be out later this year, so maybe it … Continue reading →