Site Updates has been updated with various bits as well as a new page detailing what I want to do to the site as well as other ventures. Please take some time to read it, get bored and wander off.
Continue reading → has been updated with various bits as well as a new page detailing what I want to do to the site as well as other ventures. Please take some time to read it, get bored and wander off.
Continue reading →Well after the two website posts, what possible greatness can the Lord of Leisure bestow upon the lesser mortals he sees all around him? Well for a start he could actually get off his high horse and meet the people … Continue reading →
No it’s not a reference to the TV show with that woman Melissa Joan Hart before she turned into something that dropped out of the sphinx’s nose. I say that because in the last picture I saw of her, she … Continue reading →
Over the coming weeks there will be different sections added to the website containing extra areas which should be different enough to grab your attention while finally adding functionality that I have wanted for a long time. The Podcast has … Continue reading →
Yep, every September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate day. Just a shame we can’t get a bank holiday out of it. Find out more about the day at: Talk Like a Pirate Thus we reach the post’s conclusion … Continue reading →
Hello good people I am writing this in the middle of doing a Windows 2003 Network Services Course, you see the workstations we use have internet access so while I am waiting to log into a magic imaginary machine, I … Continue reading →
Paintball hurts although you tend to look like everyone else. Here’s a picture from Saturday: Courtesy of Mr Morgan whose birthday it was, I couldn’t stay for the whole day I’m afraid due to other things coming up, which wasn’t … Continue reading →
As you can see below in the other posts, the videos from V are at least up and running, this is using the website to stream them instead of MySpace, so at least we have better functionality now. There will … Continue reading →
In response to lots of people asking whether or not I am on FaceBook, well here’s the URL It appears you have to register to see it but there we are. Not sure if there is a better way … Continue reading →
At long last despite sneaking on us at the last minute, the V Festival is here, will set off after packing to pickup Nat and a few provisions before making our way there to stet-up home for the next few … Continue reading →