Considering how long it’s been since I last wrote anything exclusively for the blog site, I decided to take a timeout from sleeping in order to briefly write a few things that have been going on within the realm of my tiny mind. I say write as it’s been a long time since I last took to writing here in quite a while. To be perfectly honest there are times when sitting down at the keyboard and staring at the screen has been rather daunting and given how much time I spend instead of Twitter and various video platforms instead, it pretty much went by the wayside.
It’s a shame really as the act of writing crude and diabolical rantings is quite a bit of good fun. In many ways, they were always way more structured than the filth I can spout when just talking on an Aftermath video after just coming back from the cinema. The mini meh was the way of truly digesting what I saw and perhaps allowing for my thoughts to mellow a bit more before committing back to any form of media what I thought about something which people poured their time and efforts into.
It’s also been quite a long time since I did also anything scripted video-wise in any case and it’s down to two very simple reasons; Time and money.
It’s always about time and money.
To start on the time aspect, the time it takes to sit down and mess around on live-streams doing a play-through of a game in some respects take much less time and effort than to look at something as a critic, write things down, edit as needed, perform as needed and add other bits to everything that arrives at something even resembling something competently put together.
It can be daunting to start anything too; you really have to be in the mood and after a long day at work or pretending to care about what other people are doing? Yeah you really do have to make the effort. Once you’ve begun it gets easier to then arrive at a conclusion to the piece of work. There are always stretches of time where you really don’t want to do anything and it’s incredibly hard to get your mojo back.
There’s also saturation to consider in this little corner of the mass market to consider. Why you ask?
There are so many people in the world doing the exact same things; A lot of whom, are already doing this all as a full on business. So even doing this all as a hobby at times seems all completely pointless. After all how could you ever measure up to those who do this all the time and can pump out much better content at an accelerated rate? Even perhaps still have delusions over having any form of social life and downtime? It just isn’t possible. It never was possible. For any fools out there who tend to produce “inspirational” videos and books about how you can do it all and still only work 12 minutes a year while skiing down the Amazon wearing a jetpack, I say this; You are all liers! J’accuse!
So then, what does it all come down to? If it’s never going to be all the monies in the bank account? Simple… enjoyment. I like messing around in Photoshop making crap mock-ups. It’s cool having the knowledge that you managed perhaps to make someone smile or laugh at your terrible shenanigans. That maybe you just brightened up someone’s day with a witty sentence or bad joke in whatever form it took. Even perhaps to show that you did something which may leave the tiniest of marks on the world. So while maybe there is not a lot to show, I can say, at least I gave it a go.
So while it may not happen all too often, it will be always be good to create content for your dining and dancing pleasure. To that end, I’m pleased to say that the Mini Mehs will be returning! Starting with John Wick 3 and Detective Pikachu, along with audio recordings for YouTube for anyone who doesn’t want to read, along with the occasional meme put in for good measure!
It does mean that the Aftermaths won’t happen that often now but considering there were times it was hard to even talk properly (like after Avengers: Endgame), perhaps it will be for the best! So stay tuned and to everyone who ever found anything I did and enjoyed it, I can only thank you and I hope you come back again in the future for more utter rubbish!
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