A small update from the Lord of Leisure…..
Hi all, just a little note to write on here, that as of late it’s been hit and miss in terms of content, bar the silly live streams etc.
Just to let you know, I will be back next week fighting fresh or at least, after having a bath and being less smelly.
Basically there are a few things to sort out lifewise then I will try to return to my usual ways, starting with some more live streaming of the new Tomb Raider game and then of course more film type thoughts, starting with the Predator. Granted the month of August was basically missed for film reviews but some films will be caught up with so at the very least from my small point of view, you know if I think they will be worth your time and money.
Once I’ve been to the cinema to watch some of them anyway. Seriously, it’s been a while.
In the meantime, you can enjoy the fact that finally things will be updated here at lordofleisure.com to look something like this;
It will be hopefully a cleaner look with still the right amount of silliness you all love and ting, provided of course I know what I’m doing. Which already means it’s doomed. You may have noticed that the YouTube and Twitch Channels have been updated with this new horror so please feel free to leave comments in random social places or indeed, droping a note via the contact form.
In the meantime campers, stay frosty. Possibly while also eating a choc ice…… I’m hungry now.
A small update from the Lord of Leisure….. — No Comments
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