So sleepy…..
Good day to you all dear campers once again, It’s time for another one of those posts after a few weeks of nothing again to catch up with what’s been going on and what’s to come in the near future again on this lovely little digital tome or beyond.

Hot days make me even more lazy than usual….bring back the cold dark damp nights of misery!
First of all, got to be honest, I’ve been a completely lazy b******d. Being the Lord of Leisure, that shouldn’t be a shock to anyone, but lately during the past few weeks, the day job has been slightly more taxing and therefore the last thing I’ve ever been wanting to do is sit in front of the PC and type away on more gibberish when the real thing has been just sleeping on the sofa to then wake up past midnight and then retire to the bedroom.
Add to that, it appears that at the moment, we in the UK are suffering from the most horrible of events; nice weather. The past couple of weeks have brought in some sunshine and heat which in turns makes me turn into the human version of a draft excluder. Seriously, just put me in front of a door and I will happily just lie there, keeping any wind out from entering your home till the weather subsides and we return to the cold, dark, damp misery of a true British summer.
Of course the Batman video was released to YouTube the other week and since then I’ve not played any more of it, basically waiting for the uber patch that Rockstedy is leading development on, but when that arrives, you can be sure we will be revisiting the game in it’s new form to see if basically if it will remain broke forever more.
The sad thing is that being sociable has taken up the vast majority of my time when I’ve not been just returning home every day and taking up residence on the sofa to further perfect the art of snoozing. July, pretty much every weekend is taken with one event or another, and therefore again, I’ve not been around to do a lot of content. This is set to continue through to August at present.

Coming soon…. poorly written things about this old devil
It’s a bit of a shame really as in the background while snoozing after being all hip trendy and awesome as we people on the internet seem to think we are, Netflix has been blaring away a few shows I’ve not seen, some of which I’ll be writing about for your dining and dancing pleasure, such as Marvel’s Daredevil which was a Netflix exclusive.
No-one expected it to be much cop given the other attempts at making television by ABC and Marvel recently, and also….that film with the bloke who is the new Batman…err…Ben Affleck I think….but by all accounts, it’s actually pretty good and more thoughts will be written about it in the near future.
In another post to be written up for your dining and dancing ridicule, recently, for the first time, I even attempted to watch Breaking Bad, another one of those series which everyone raved over some time ago, but having never got caught up in the hype, it was only again now that I decided to bite the bullet to see what the cancer-ridden fuss was all about.
Again, having Netflix for that was quite handy and for a number of other things too which ordinarily I would never touch, but given that the content is there on demand….why not?
Various other films have been watched at the cinema too, including Minions, Slow West and Terminator “We forgot how to spell Genesis”, so again expect some ranting with spelling errors and missing words about those shortly as well.
So all in all, you could arguably say that in the last few weeks, I’ve been out, watched stuff, spent time with people and slept. I can think of worse things to tell the truth.
Well that and some home silliness involving water leaking has once again reminded me that home ownership sometimes blows, especially if you’re not a DIY inclined kind of guy / gal.
So all in all, there is a decent amount of content to come for you all, it’s just taking the time to actually produce something that doesn’t look like it was written in 3 minutes by a 7 year old, complete with crayon drawings and spilling juice on the carpet. Stay tuned for more coming soon campers and enjoy the sunshine…..the life draining sunshine….
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