
Bollolympics — 3 Comments

  1. Hi L, first of all, thank you for taking the time to ridicule me, remarkably it’s way better than the usual spam which fills up the comments section about car loans and links to various foreign porn sites. For that, you get a gold star!

    As you clearly were distraught about a blog post which is at this point a few months old and regarding something which seldom comes up in the media now, please allow me the time to respond to the above.

    For myself being a pathetic writer who is only interesting to himself and others, maybe you have a point. After all this blog site on the internet which hardly gets updated for months on end, can hardly compete with CNN when it comes to award winning material. The traffic this site generates is next to nothing once you remove all the spam bots and other erroneous crap from the system and filter it all out.

    But the fact is, it’s just a site I keep online and from time to time, express myself in a manner I may or may not otherwise be able to do elsewhere, without the daily annoyance of villagers raising their pitchforks and wanting to slay the wicked beast who dares to not wash his hands when he’s finished on the toilet.

    To put the post into context way back in August, I was not caring about the Olympics, but the sheer barrage of media coverage which made it look like the second coming of Jesus was unfolding in front of our very eyes, and the fact it was pretty much forced upon you no matter what, compelled me to at least write something about it in a manner which was contrary to what was being banded about at the time. That and I really do love taking the p*ss out of things.

    If you do not agree with what I wrote, that is entirely fair enough. Perhaps in hindsight, re-reading the post now in November 2012, it could be viewed as being nothing but venomous. But that was ultimately not the intention. I just wanted to take the p*ss and make a couple of points about items around the affair. If that makes me pathetic, then well, the only way I can console myself, is by making a cup of tea and then carry on with my daily business.

    You got me however on being cynical, a fair amount has happened which does give me pause for thought when it comes to the society we live in and what is expected of us, what are considered social norms these days, like when you’re sat down in the cinema wanting to watch a film and the place is lit up like a f*cking Christmas tree because no-one can survive two minutes without looking at face-crack on their iF*ck.

    Call me fake, call me pathetic, call me ishmael….ok not the last one, but you know what. That’s cool with me. I will not see the same beauty in the world as others would, and will find humour in things that others do not.

    That can only be a good thing, as life is therefore be extension a lot more interesting when there are different points of view on the same things. What you wrote as a personal attack, I’ve been known to be worse than that to a few people in my lifetime, so remarkably, I’ll take that on the chin and chalk it down to I came across as being an asshole.

    So even though this is a long winded response, I just wanted to respond myself to you L, given that you took the time out of your busy schedule to read some fat bloke’s blog about stuff which in the end doesn’t matter, and actually say thank you for the contribution.

    Oh and as I wrote above, don’t dope. It’s bad for you. 🙂

  2. Pathetic writer with pathetic and cynical experencie, who‘s interesting only to himself and few other people. Not even funny to read. You can see from most of articles he‘s just an idiot faking pretentious attitude to world and trying to get attention even if trying to fake he‘s not trying and being pitty of himself yet trying to pretend he doesn‘t care. Don‘t bore others with blank personality. What a pitiful life must be when you can‘t see anything beautiful or sincere in this world, and even if you have it, you kill it.

  3. I couldn’t agree more fella. You hit it on the head, but it seems no-one is allowed to say 1 word against it, otherwise you should get out of the country.

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