Another post where I fill in the gaps…
Well here we are again on the internet on a Sunday evening typing out various questionable in terms of grammar sentences in an attempt to write something people actually would want to read.
It’s been a few weeks since last time I wrote on these fair digital pages, where it seems that being freed from the woes that is Adulthood, being responsible, having to wash and then fail miserably at being socially acceptable, I proceeded to board an expensive EasyJet flight back out to the promised land known as Spain for the forth time this year.
Remarkably I achieved very little during this period of time, that was the aim of the trip to be fair. Wake up, wander round, have better coffee than what they serve in Britain, and not spend time in front of the screen, staring at the Windows Clock watching my life disappear one minute at a time.
Just before I left for the sunnier 27 degree climb, I was resigning myself to the fact that IT Support in general is a soulless profession and it appeared my mouth was becoming looser than a lady of the evening. Clearly the lack of fun needed to be addressed at the time, and for once not by destroying zombie hordes and saving the last known hot woman for your own naughty needs.
That was the whole idea of the break from it all; Have not many any goals whatsoever and simply return to a simpler time where you had more pressing questions in life like “Where is the bacon sandwich from last night?”
I’m not quite with some of the people who insist on having a plan for everything to the last detail, why not just turn up and see what you feel like doing, agonising over the decision over a row of high volume alcoholic drinks?
The only thing to be said was it wasn’t long enough, though it seems that in coming back to Britain, time actually stood still as everything was exactly the same, with all the exact same problems awaiting my return like a dog missing his master’s leg.
But there was another thing awaiting my return, tickets to Live at the Apollo, the cheap yet successful BBC comedy show where they rent the Hammersmith Apollo out and fill it with pretend famous people and the staved for entertainment public for the comedians to come out and play with;
Well we got two shows for the price of none that evening, therefore I am less inclined as a result to not watch the first two shows of the series, simply because well, I’ve seen them now, I know who’s on and everything.
Five of them I’d heard of, The impression guy who turned to acting, Reg D Hunter, The Kevin Scottish bloke, Rob Welshy, The high pitched Geordie lady who needs her “button” seen to quite often it seems, and err…. the other Irish guy on the second show…. thanks for turning up, though to be fair he did a fair job on the magic trick at the end.
Though there was an extra bonus, Rachel Stevens of S Club 7 fame, and a regular on my internal Adult Channel alongside Jessica Biel was also in the audience, looking as far I could see from the rafters, mighty fine, so there could be the added incentive there to see from the TV camera’s point of view.
And once again my brain’s command of the English language and imagination fails, with the potential mark being an D- for turning up. The moral of the story from this post would be, do things but also not negate the need to practicing certain writing skills.
Another post where I fill in the gaps… — No Comments
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