Achievement Unlocked
Yes, some people have been in contact wondering where I am right now as there has been nothing on most of the sites I tend to abuse like twitter, facebook and even the mighty Well, I’ve been working a lot this week, and then still had a ton to do on the weekend.
Therefore Saturday evening and today has meant really today was my weekend away from thinking about SQL Server, Anything that’s broke, anyone moaning about their useless things being broke….blah blah blah etc.
And what I had to look forward to was this:
It almost makes it all worthwhile doesn’t it? (Note, Irony used here does not extend to those getting blown to bits in other places which are having harder times, nor those without jobs struggling to survive, so letters about all that are a no-no, mmmkay?)
It does make you wonder, now that we are in the 21st century, (well on paper, there are plenty of people wandering round London dragging knuckles on the floor, staring at other people and wanting to bash them over the head.) that certain things like this surely could be done automatically, thus leaving more time to waste on other more peaceful solutions to life, like sitting down.
My gym fat exorcism hasn’t gone too well recently, in fact, going once in a week is not overly fantastic news, again considering the amount it costs here. It appears now more obliviously than before (which I have been told anyway by others when I appear back in the real world) I am a workaholic and have no real thoughts or inclinations about doing something else.
It again all has given me pause for thought in-between playing the second episode of Monkey Island and eating things which burn the roof of my mouth and perhaps now there is nothing to be done about it.
I think I’ve reached the point where I’ve become a boring middle of the road adult who thinks talking about work is interesting.
I feel like the baby mutant off Total Recall….”Start the reactor”
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