Panic on the streets of London…
Here is the big announcement which I’ve been leading up to all day, and have been thinking of the best way to break the news which practically everyone knows already, however our international readership may be interested as it involves London, and as we all know, London is the only place in Britain. Nowhere else exists.
There was some deciding over whether the BBC should break the story, interrupting tonight’s episode Doctor Who and therefore we have to wait to find out about the Doctor’s Daughter. Perhaps distributing flyers on people’s windscreens. Or at the Wedding mass in Westminster today, as a “and finally notice”, the 700 married couples would be told there, thus making the day even happier.
But I don’t have any money. So a crap fudging of the Ooh Sometimes header logo and a blog post here will have to do.
I’m moving to London.
Yes, that’s the news that has been kept secret until recently and which had been taking up a lot of time in sorting out, when after a long stint in Telford, I guess the time has come to push the envelope further and try something new.
It wasn’t an easy decision by any stretch of the imagination, I will miss the people still there and considering where I am going to, there are some people thinking: What the bloody hell are you doing?
London’s full of chavs, gangs, guns, idiots, various religious arseholes who want to blow things up, people work night and day just to get by and lastly there’s Boris Johnson, the man who everyone is hoping fails at his task being Mayor. What could possibly compel you to go there?
Well, in truth, London, despite the fact that it’s ridiculously expensive to get decent sized accommodation and even live, it’s easy to get lost and killed in, and you can feel so alone in a place like that, London is the major place, in front of Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh, where the most opportunities exist to do anything you want. It’s going to be one of those experiences we all have to do at some time in our lives.
By day, you can do your normal work, and by night, you could take a course at one of the many institutions available who specialise in various areas not found elsewhere, or get caught up doing something you would never think about doing in a million years. (Note, previous statement doesn’t include running from the fuzz for drug trafficking.) Or if you are me, actually get time to do the bloody podcast! Though, at least it’s now clear as to why it’s being delayed.
London also has the most to do in terms of night and indeed day-life. So many places to visit, and so many free things too. It would be nice to actually see some of the people I hear and see in the flesh more often, and well, a lot of them are down London, let’s see who we can annoy and scare with badly crayoned pictures showing how much I love them!
There are people down and back up here who have already said they would help if asked, and I wish to state on the record I am very grateful for their help in whatever shape or form it took. In fact, some people down there in London, are a hoot to talk to and there are just so many people, there has to be some good eggs there among the b******ds who want to bugger things up for the rest.
Of course, it may go horribly wrong. I may be rubbish at the job and they throw me out. I may end up in a bad situation from which naughty all flows forth. That’s the risk we have everywhere these days. But that’s no reason not to try.
So for how ever long it lasts, let’s rock! 🙂
Ah well, as a fellow GWJ’er and now Londoner, I feel it behooves me to take you out for a pint or two – drop me an email, and let’s go for a drink – and perchance a bit of Call of Duty 4 on the ol’ wall projector.