AWOL: Day 4
Day 4 of my self imposed exile away from the blog, the gaming and basically most people and it basically blows harder than one of those friendly women in Amsterdam.
I find myself lost in the urban tundra, alone, desperate to do naughty, but unable to unleash the beast of Doombah to quell the tax accountant that has taken resident in my ever decreasing sense of child-like wonder (aka the brain). Cobwebs are starting take up space, and all the while I’m starting to think if Father Jack had life down to a tee: DRINK! FECK! ARSE!
OK, well the truth is, at the moment I have nothing interesting to post so I figure I’d write a load of crap to keep myself sane more than anything.
There was something interesting from the Weekend, which I am more than happy to post here, a slightly naughty skype get together with some people for the Gamers with Jobs podcast at 1am Sunday morning. That went slightly wrong due to this modern day wonderful stuff we use every day, so that was rescheduled for the weekend after. Which brings a bit of a quandry to my salty head wound.
The weekend this week is meant to bring a night in Wolverhampton on Saturday, and Paintball on Sunday. But I can’t really make them without throwing out the work plans. I basically want to get the stuff done as quickly as possible, and it seems there is always something which wants to throw brown stuff all over those plans. And as much I really really really…..(three hours later) really want to go, the time comes when you are meant to do what a man’s got to do. So come the weekend, bugger knows.
For now dear people, I will return on Saturday with extra postings, and the article of which is better out of XP and Vista, which is a rather lengthy tale of woe, and sadness. There is heartbreak, the world is brought to the brink of destruction, and a gratutious sex scene. Which is actually harder to do than you think, when comparing Operating Systems but where there is a will there is a way.
There maybe another post in the week, but alas dear readers I cannot promise anything. I have become boring and therefore whatever I could offer you at the moment, would only serve to drown you all in your own vomit if only to stop the pain.
That’s all for now folks, I’m off to dodge the draft and start a tribe that celebrates the use of alcohol and nail clippers as a form of entertainment.
Buy us a Mac then and I will happily have a good rummage through it’s pockets!
Well young man, I do hope that you will be including Mac OSX Leopard in this OS Comparison!
It is of course the OS of choice nowadays!!!