Christmas Get Together 1
Tuesday was the first of three get togethers this week and this night was with the original mates of old, Chris and Dave in sunny Wales, which I was more than happy to make the trip up there to see them. We have a tradition of sorts where we will make time to see each other at Christmas to exchange gifts, enjoy each other’s company and do manly things like laugh at women’s habits and show off our muscles.
This year, we were to take in a film at the local (local to Chris and Dave anyway) Vue cinema. At first this was to be the Golden Compass, as mentioned in previous posts featuring James Bo…..I’m not going through that speech again.
But after a consultation with Dave, who had already seen the film (the wee scamp), he had said that the film wasn’t all that good and seemed to have no idea what the hell the story was, so when trying to tell the audience the story, it appears it’s about as useful as the so-called magic compass which seems to get people jolly angry in the film. So the Golden Compass would wait for another time, as Natalie has expressed a desire to see it despite the slandering reviews.
Instead we were treated to the American Gangster movie starring Denzel Washington and the Australian bloke who hits people and will have his vengeance, in this life or the next. It’s all about how a black man rises up to be the number one supplier of heroin during the Vietnam war, a product which is cheaper than the competition and 100% pure. Act now and receive a free T-shirt with every needle.

Various nasty things happen to people using various implements because they did naughty, and all the while, Russell Crowe doesn’t seem to do anything except study and lose his kid. Then it all gets somewhere, it all goes wrong for Drug Lord, and then before you know, they are the mean crime fighting team bringing down the police and other silly people. And this was based on a true story? At the time it was hard to believe, but I have read up it since, and it makes for one hell of a tale.
I do have some beef with the film, such as the fact was that some of it seemed to be one of those RnB music videos where history was re-written to show the black man was dominant in the 1920’s and no-one would ever think of being racist ever. Mind you, who do those white boys think they are? Hey, history is never fun which is why we stay clear of such issues. Who wants the headache, not to mention the head hurting which goes with such arguments?
Now in true fashion I could belittle all the little things but for once I don’t want to because this film was very good and it should be recognised.
It had two stories which were simple, yet effective. Good cop struggling to do whatever it was, really struggling after turning in money, thus weeing off the whole police department and the Denzel showing his boys how to run a drug business. Only half way through did the stories seem to actually start mingling together and then the experience was then further enhanced. The scenes in the “Boots The Chemist” stores with the naked women were very welcome. 🙂
The soundtrack in the clubs with full on soul and motown music from the era, fitted in very well, and hearing 110th Street went down like a sound trip to funkytown. Good choice!
It is a film filled with effing and jeffing, with lots of people in Harlem seemingly injured more there than back in Vietnam (that little war thing which was happening at the time) but what the hey, it kept me awake, which is a triumph itself for the film and if you have the time over the next few weeks, I encourage you all to see it.
After the exit from the cinema, like pimps and crack hores, we loitered by our cars chatting away like old days past, and also remarking on the fact that chavs hunt at night for normal people, waiting to feast on their human bones. We had also exchanged gifts earlier, the looks on their faces when I gave them their gifts, along with King Size Pot noodles to enjoy. It’s the food of Kings! A late night drive back later, and that concludes Night 1 of the outings, join us later for the write-ups of Night 2 and 3!
Almost exciting isn’t it?
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