Site Updates has been updated with various bits as well as a new page detailing what I want to do to the site as well as other ventures. Please take some time to read it, get bored and wander off. has been updated with various bits as well as a new page detailing what I want to do to the site as well as other ventures. Please take some time to read it, get bored and wander off.
Excellent mate, I’m more than happy to compensate you as well, and I eagerly await your thoughts on how to go forward. Take it easy fella.
Give it a week my friend, I need to fix this asterisk setup for Kevin and then I’m all yours
Then sir, let it be known that you are the ninja developer! See everyone is getting into the role of giving themselves titles now!
Let me know when you are free to go into details on how I want to play it.
Sooo….would you still be requiring my assistance as I’am very much interested in helping you sir!
I can be your ninja developer 🙂