24: Tis Tuesday Again!
Oh yes, after the weekend, I bet at least someone was wondering where the updates went. Well it sort of all went in the sh**er after I spent all night at work on the permissions issue, only to find it was all for nothing on the Monday.
Part of Monday was spent trying to sort it out, and again waste of time, so today was spent manually applying permissions to folders, which if you have a lot of them it takes far too long! So in actual fact it has only been tonight that I have had the opportunity to do anything on the blog. The weekend as it goes was wasted on sleep, and being lordly as usual. No energy you see, and well as it goes, I am a wee bit ill still but never mind eh?
And in actual fact the evening has been spent on flash trying to remember how to do motion tweens and trying to do a button for emails only to fail badly and just use standard text. the movie for a first go is not hugely bad, but it needs a lot of optimisation and a preloader adding.
This is just the intro, I haven’t even got to the site yet, which for the start is going to be static. This is not only my site good people but someone else’s as well whose main function will be as a gallery.
I finally have after much messing about have converted Videos from V to flash and will be adding them tomorrow via this website. Stay tuned for that, and as it stands the weekend is going to be too busy! Lots to do and no time to it, because as it stands, it is less than a week before the year of 24 is over, and therefore I go back to normal blog titles.
Shame that, it was alright being 24, granted there were terrorist plots I foiled or lives saved, but hey we can’t win them all can we?
I have to go now as well It is getting on and I wish to retire to the drawing room, will post more tomorrow good people, till then!
If you ever have problems with permissions try this out http://setacl.sourceforge.net/
I created a script to setup project folders in the office using this to do the permissions. Very powerful, very cool.
Sorry but I can’t help you on the flash front, I can’t get the bugger to install. Damn you Adobe with your none working installers