24: The Radio Times
Well as I said ealier this week I would actually post what I am doing as far as that fangled radio malarky goes, so here it is:
For the past few weeks every tuesday and wednesday I have been going to Aston Villa Footbal ground (Villa Park for non-footbal fans, of which there are increasing numbers from people I talk to) to learn the mystical art of Radio Production. The course is run by a firm, Mike Owen Media, you can search for it on the internet, and the course is called Radio Aspire, which is a european backed course to get more people into that field. It is a recognised qualifaction by many bodies, and judging from the last group of people who went on it, they all passed with flying colours and a lot of them, went onto working with various organisations, such as the BBC in Birmingham and BRMB, one of the local stations owned by a great big firm, whose name escapes me.
During the course, you look at different types of media comparing with radio, coming up with pre-production plans, scripts and ideas for a radio show, the different elements involved with such a thing like editing, SFX, cueing material to be played, and “Driving the desk” which means you play with lots of nobs widgets and doo-hickeys.
The reasons why I am doing this, is One, to basically give me something more creative to do than just Windows Server Management and the degree. Two, it’s been a fancy of mine to see how I would do in a real radio production. Since My chat with Matt last year, where we were talking about what we would like to do if we had the chance, I said I would like to go into radio, and he would like to cook. He went on a cooking course, and in a way it inspired me to get off my backside and actually do something about it, instead of just sitting back and saying, what if. It would be a wonderful thing if somehow, the crap I was creating was good enough to appear on a station in the UK or elsewhere, but I know that the more likely outcome is, that I carry on doing what I do now, and just going up the ladder that way. Afterall, I do actually have two training courses coming up soon, Network Services for Windows 2003 and Citrix Presentation Server Management. It appears that people at work have the faith in me and are investing in me, which I am more than happy about. But there would always be the nagging “What if” if i didn’t try this. Besides, in this crazy world of ours, who knows what will happen?
I could become a star!!! (Isn’t that a scary thought?)
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