24: Time grows short…
Well it has been a week tuesday that I last posted what’s been happening in Funkytown. It has been indeed another interesting one to say the least…
Well now first off, I took some time finally to stay at home for a change and have a tiny bit of rest. You see I have been feeling burned out for a couple of weeks, and it appears that the whole summer is catching up to me. I have been feeling tired all the time, i have been waking up later and later, and there have been a couple of times where I have been almost asleep at the wheel of the car, only slapping myself in the face (a pleasure which many people want but will never get) has kept me going. I have been wondering what the hell is wrong with me, and I have yet to reach a conclusion.
Is it true, that doing so much will eventually take some sort of toll on the body. Sure I have reached the real-time action clock-ticking showing what else is happening age of 24, but this doesn’t happen overnight. If anyone has any tips for staying awake more efficently, please please post a comment!!! I would be eager for any solutions. Even considering starting to gulp huge amounts of Red Bull (tastes like sick to me, but times may become desperate) and become a caffine addict if only to stay awake long enough to finish things i need to do.
College / Uni has stated again, with the topics of the day being “Web Design”, Glyn you can expect a call on that seeing as you are the web master, and it is well within your area of expertise: a ecommerce site linking to MYSQL via PHP pages. Systems Analysis, which seems to be the bullshit topic of Information Systems last year, just wanting more detail. And Network Concepts. Considering that to complete the assignments I have to do tasks which I do every day in my new Server management job, i may struggle…..
Actually the theory I will struggle with as I haven’t had to tell the difference between a hub and switch in years. I have just stayed in the real world without the OSI model, and just got on with it. DOH!! WHY GOD WHY DO YOU PUNISH YOUR CHILDREN SO!!!!!
Got hold of a few new albums, including Empire, the new scissor sisters, and Earth, Wind and Fire (only for that song, September, you know, Na de daa, say that you remember, laa de dah….) Anyway, moving on…
Salsa, and in fact till thursday going out even to the gym took a back seat. Went to my gym thursday but was really really tired after doing the same workout I always do without too much difficulty. EEP. Even did slightly less as a result. Thursday alas was college day, and afterward, I travelled to Shifinal to wish My old team leader, Mr Steve Hicks, a fond farewell after he moved jobs a week after I did. He is a great bloke and I could never fault him. Twas the least he deserved. Missed my old pal Asif, who travelled back to birmingham after, but rest assured, i’ll get you next time, bwahahahahaha!
Even so, seeing all of DTS was great, tis a shame they are not with me in Fujitsu. If you met them, you would understand. And after that went to Cocos, and partied the night away again with Squiz, Dorris and Squiz’s missus, Craig turned up at some point, and everone did the same game of wandering around again!! Got bored of looking for people, and just ended up dancing an awful lot with aformentioned lady friend of mate. Best part was Zombie Nation coming on. Who on earth cannot not get pumped to that song? Tis the best dance track ever made boys and girls. If you don’t have it, I demand to know why.
Friday, well what can I say, after finsihing work late, losing Mark it seemed as He worked late, and I forgot to make a note of his mobile number before heading to Steve’s, we enjoyed a delightful night on the town of shrewsborugh (not bury, I have now dubbed it borugh) Though it wasn;t exactly to plan, dopey pormised us Daily Star Girls, with Football kick about, with dancing girls afterward. Turns out we were two weeks early! DOH X 200!! Needless to say we reminded him all night. Also drank a fair amount, eyehumped the ladies as usual, and had a great time with those two. Never a dull moment as they say.
Spent saturday morning in shrewsbury with Matt, generally talking about certain issues which I won’t mention here as it is too dull, and there is too much soap opera about as it. But I do enjoy those chats with Matt. He seems to have his own mind, and of course. subway sandwich filled with meatballs that went everywhere. mmmmmm…..
Saturday afternoon, went back home and had an eye test. I only mention it as it appears my right eye has got better. Thought too much wa*king made you blind? Still never mind. Spoke to natalie after I hadn’t seen her all week, and she has been keeping herself busy, it’s been strange this week mearly texting and not seeing her like normal. Still will see her this week to make up for my absence. Also spoke to Simon ahead of next weekend’s trip to Liverpool. Yes, despite my HUGE, repeat, HUGE, reservations about the Liverpool experience (see one birthday night out there some years ago) I have decieded to go and give it another shot. Dave and Chris either wisely or foolishly (depending on how it goes are unable to make it.
Kerry, the sister of this dramatis personea, came to stay the weekend, and well, I didn’t look forward to it. She has for the longest time been a source of agony for many people including me, and I had chosen not to assiocate myself with her. However the time had come for an “intervention” and the truth to be told. Becuase of her actions, she was a billy no mate, and i stated that there is something wrong with her.
Well coming from me, granted it sounds stupid, but it was not far from the real truth. After some shennigans which followed after, it appears that we had a breakthough. She concieded that things had gone wrong and we proceeded to talk about why, and how. She aplogised to someone (keeping vague because otherwise trouble will no doubt come my way!! Sorry! Mind you saying that, I have said too much before for her actions, and it appears that now she wants my help to get better. There is much to do, and tis only been two days now so only time will tell if the war queen will ride again. But all is good now, so I will take that as a small victory.
Annoyed Chris slightly for being very late as a result of the intervention, as we were meant to meet to ogle ladies or watch a film, but in the end it all worked out, We saw that tanktarta nights film, with Will Ferrall. Not a bad film, god bless the redneck stereotype!! Caught with the old mucka who has a good week himself being off the whole time, but he’s had a bit of upset himself so this was much needed. Poor lad.
Sunday was a lazy day recooperating after the past few days, and also setting up the virtual web sever in VMware for College. As you can see, all good!!
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